Navsarjan Visa Services Pvt. Ltd.

Live American Dream An Access to GREEN CARD

Information and Documentation

Professional Background

The principal visa application must show complete proof of sources of investment funds and each application should prepare complete biographical information. All the educational certificates, college diploma must be attached along with a resume.

Any other information about the applicant's business, business licenses, or brochures about other business can become beneficial. If the investor is associated with any professional organizations then it should be mentioned. The investor needs to be portrayed as a businessperson of repute with strong family, business, or financial history that substantiates the accumulation of wealth or funds mentioned in the financial information. It is not required in case the financial wealth is inherited. Ample documents should be provided related to career and achievements of the investor.

Source of Funds

All the funds for the investment must come from legitimate sources. Sources like stocks or bonds, profit from sale of property, gifts, business transactions, inheritances are legitimate sources of funds. The USCIS requires five years of tax returns, bank records of five years, proof of ownership of any businesses, financial statements of business, and business licenses to authenticate the sources of investment fund. When the capital or funds have come from some specific transaction like house sale, gift, inheritance then this needs to be proved by showing the official documents of transaction done. A closing statement or contract or any other official document can be useful for this purpose.

Important note

All the documents that are included in the application must be translated into English. There must a signature of the investor on each agreements, government forms, and applications that is in English version. Also, the prospective investors should consult a licensed immigration attorney if they are serious about investing.

For Detailed list of Documents and your interest to invest via EB-5 pilot program , please mail to

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